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Family Residence Refresh

With kids and pets galore, this landscape needed some TLC. Our team provided a landscape bed refresh and replaced overgrown shrubs with low-maintenance, native plants. Consistent care of the lawn and garden beds soon transformed the weedy, dying landscape into a thriving, lush oasis.

Consistent spot treatment and fertilizing has transformed this lawn. Now this homeowner's kids and pets can run around enjoying weed-free, lush grass.
Our landscape bed refresh replaced time-consuming plants with low-maintenance varieties that thrive in this Spokane neighborhood.
Spot treatments ensure only the weeds are eliminated.
These homeowners can now rest assured their property will always be well-manicured and safe for their family, pets and friends.
Our high-quality products effectively eliminate landscape problem areas, yet are still safe for families and pets.
At the end of each visit, our crews ensure a clean property by clearing extra fertilizer or organic material.
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